Social Posting Strategy

Day 17: Education Post

Lesson 16

Pick a transformation/results story to share that your ideal customer will relate to!  It can be your own story, or a customer’s!  

Share a HIGH QUALITY, eye catching before and after image (Keep them side by side in one image)

Your Insta Stories REDIC Formula:

Relate: Share a video of you working out 

Educate/Motivate: Why your workout schedule is the way it is

Dialogue: What’s YOUR workout motivation? Why do you do it? (Add the QUESTION box so they can respond)

Interact: Poll - (Do you workout??)

Capture: : This is how I broke out of my excuses and started focusing on myself! 

See how it's done…


The best words that I LIVE to hear??? 


Nothing tells the truth like RESULTS, y’all!!!!!!!  Legit doing a happy dance over here!!!!


What are your self love goals? ❤️????
