Social Posting Strategy

Day 14: Passion Post/Your “Why”

Lesson 14

Share some thoughts or a quote that captures WHY you do what you do.  What drives you? Is it to see others live their absolute best lives? Is it so you can take time off to be with your family on your terms?  Is it to empower other women?

Choose a bright, high-quality photo that is FUN and captures your WHY! It should be one that elicits EMOTION. Personal photos always get the best engagement!

Your Insta Stories REDIC Formula:

Relate: What’s your kinda vacay?

Educate/Motivate: Why I’m my own boss

Dialogue: How often do you get away or take vacation time??

Interact: Poll - Anyone else feel guilty when they’re out of the office?

Capture: FAVORITE vacay spot EVERRR!! (DM if you want deets!)

If you’re a BeachBody coach or in a similar network marketing company, the last line is a recruitment tool as well!  If not, just edit to fit you.

See how it's done...

--------Ever had this happen??

Asking for time off (**and cringing and feeling the wrath was coming?)

I’ll never forget the moment I decided it wasn’t ok to feel this guilty for asking my boss to give me time off to celebrate my anniversary.  I knew it was a busy time in the office, but my family had had a helluva year and we desperately needed to get away and celebrate each other and our marriage. 

((My boss reluctantly gave me the time off, but until the people-pleaser in me wanted to crawl in a hole to hide from how uncomfortable he made it.))


I hustle for myself and decide when trips can happen.  If I want to take extra play time, I work extra hard.  It’s on my own terms and it took risk and a lot of faith in myself, but I’ve never been happier. #WORTHIT

I soak up every minute with my family.  I don’t take on anyone else’s business stress.  Who woulda thought?!?

If you’ve been feeling like it’s about that TIME for you, we need to chat!  Like this post and drop a comment or leave a DM!

If you’re struggling with fitness and your health, l’d love to see if I can help you!

#passionandpurpose #worksmartplayhard #fitnesscoach #healthyliving #workfromanywhere
