Social Posting Strategy

Day 29: Expertise Post

Lesson 28

Pick a lesson to share with your ideal customer that you’ve learned in your health and fitness journey.  Something that has become a major part of your mindset and shaped what you do.

Your Insta Stories REDIC Formula:

Relate: Why YOUR self-care comes first

Educate/Motivate: Why families function better when spouses focus on their relationship first

Dialogue: How do you protect your me-time? (Add the QUESTION box so they can respond)

Interact: Poll - Do you keep regular self or spouse dates??

Capture: Our favorite thing to do together!

EDIT AWAY to fit YOU and your ideal customer!!!


I used to think being a good mom meant the kids always come FIRST. 

(I always ruffle some feathers with this, but I gotta say it.) 

No.  My relationship with myself and my spouse comes first.  

((Believe me, the kids haven’t complained. ????))

It’s ALL too easy to let life just turn us into lunch-making, diaper changing, carpooling machines that run on coffee and dry shampoo, and can’t even remember when they shaved last. (eh?? Anybody else? Orr….) 

Trust me, NO one is happy or ok in this house is mama is in that state.  ????

Do what it takes.  Get up a little earlier, beg a friend to help, but get. Your. time.  YOU deserve to be your best, and your family deserves it too!

LIKE, LOVE, DROP A GIF if you agree!!! ❤️????❤️
