Social Posting Strategy

Day 6: Something I Love Post: Husband/Pets/Kids

Lesson 6

This is all about taking your ideal customer into your home, behind the scenes.  Share something you refuse to live without. (puppy snuggles, evenings in front of a movie with the littles, staycations with the hubby, etc).  It can be short and sweet, but it builds trust and rapport with your audience. You want to establish yourself as someone always adding value.

Your Insta Stories REDIC Formula:

Relate: My favorite person (*or favorite part of my day, etc)

Educate/Motivate: Favorite relationship advice you’ve received (if sharing a spouse post), child-raising tips, puppy training, etc!

Dialogue: Can’t wait for _____ this weekend! (anything you’re looking forward to?) What’s your favorite activity to do with your kids/puppy? (Or favorite date?) 

Interact: Poll - Do you keep a scheduled (date night/family night/regular walks)? 

Capture: Drop your fav book/podcast/etc on relationships/child-raising/dogs etc!

See how it's done...


I work hard so my dog can live a better life. ❤️????

#1 Wifey/Dog Mom/Etc all day erryday up in here ????

What’s the best piece of advice you can give me??  (and all who read the comments?) Drop it here! ????

#dogmom #uppingmygame #advice #healthyliving
