Social Posting Strategy

Day 11: Education/Expertise Post

Lesson 11

Pick a favorite recipe to share that your ideal customer will want in their life ASAP.  What do they need? Something when they’re on-the-go? Kid-friendly? Date night? Meal-prep-friendly? (think crockpot stews and sauces that can go on everything for the next week, high-protein/fiber muffins, dessert alternatives, etc!)

If you don’t have a good photo of the item, pull one from the blog or website you got the recipe from and just be sure to give them credit for it!  

Asking for engagement at the end is a great way to see who is following and interested.  

Your Insta Stories REDIC Formula:

Relate: Do you get hit with cravings??  

Educate/Motivate: Here's why our bodies crave things! 

Dialogue: Do you snack throughout the day?

Interact: Poll - Salt lover or sweets?? 

Capture: This is my fav book/podcast on eating! DM me for the link!

See how it’s done…


If you relate to my craziness at ALL, you need this in your life like YESTERDAY. ????

✔️Lots of protein to keep you full…

✔️Fiber to keep you… regular (#realtalk)

✔️Deliciousness to keep the kids happy (and the husband hunting down the extras I hide for myself ????)


DM me for the recipe!!!

#cleaneats #healthyeating
