Social Posting Strategy

Day 7: Education Post

Lesson 7

Pick something to share that will help your ideal customer to learn something valuable for their everyday life, and leave wanting more! (And sharing with their friends!) You want to establish yourself as an important resource and someone they want to keep following. 

Example of Your Insta Stories REDIC Formula:

Relate: Is eating a fight or a struggle for you?? 

Educate/Motivate: Our blood sugar levels are important!! (Here’s why!)

Dialogue: Any constant snackers out there?

Interact: Poll - Been on a diet?? 

Capture: I have some favorite podcasts/resources/etc on balanced relationships with food!!! DM me if you want the link!

Take it away...


There was pretty much my life BEFORE this podcast/book/etc and my life AFTER. ♥️♥️

Share your favorite educational resource that has influenced your health and fitness journey the most!!  Especially if it relates to the topic in your stories. Who is the person? What’s something about them? (Their qualifications, something they’re known for, etc!)

Tag a friend you know will love this in their life! ????

#balance #cleaneating #healthandfitness #fitnesscoach #fitnesstransformation #weightloss #healthybloodsugarlevels
