Social Posting Strategy

Day 9: About Me/Vulnerability Post:

Lesson 9

Pick a lesson you’ve learned or a struggle you’ve overcome in your health and fitness journey that your ideal customer can relate to.  Be honest and get SPECIFIC with your before, what changed, and your after! You’re building trust and rapport with your audience. This template will be catered to a new or just tired moms who deserve time for themselves and gain their confidence back. Edit and tweak in whatever way fits you and your ideal customer!  Are they a young single trying to stay healthy while surviving college? An older person wanting to stay strong and full of energy?

**I find that personal photos get GREAT engagement with these kinds of posts!  Make sure it’s bright and great quality. (editing apps are life-savers)

Your IG Stories REDIC Formula:

Relate: Ever feel unsatisfied or discontent in your skin??

Educate/Motivate: We’re taught to do this…  (Explain w/some facts and how girls start hating or critiquing their bodies) 

Dialogue: How have you taught your daughters to love themselves?

Interact: Poll - Ever said anything your kids heard that you instantly regretted?? 

Capture: Check out Misrepresentation on Netflix!!! It’s so enlightening!!


Oh motherhood. The most rewarding and exhausting season of my entire life.  My crazy college student days don’t hold a candle to the blurs that my days are right now. ????

But ya know what I’m doing differently now that’s making ALL the difference in my ability to be fully present?  I’m making sure I get 30 min for ME every single day, and I’m finally NOT on a diet (serious.) I knew the constant shame cycle wasn’t sustainable, and I mean… wasn’t working if I’m honest with myself. 

I’m SO THANKFUL to have found balance, to feel comfy in my own skin, and have a constant routine I can COUNT ON to get out of my head and into my body.  (I’m passionate about it, so DM me if you want to talk about what I do now!!)

Believe me, hubby is MORE than happy to make sure that time happens somehow, because as my mom used to say… 

“Mama ain’t happy, ain’t NOBODY happy.” ????

Ya feel me??
