Social Posting Strategy

Day 12: Rest/Self Care Post

Lesson 12

Pick a quote or share a thought around the importance of allowing your mind and body to rest and restore itself.  What are your favorite personal growth tools? What is a sacred place you escape to that refuels you? (The beach?  Your bathtub?)

Your IG Stories REDIC formula...

Relate: My GO-TO self-care tool for sanity.,, 

Educate/Motivate: Why time alone is important

Dialogue: What refuels you the most??  (Add the QUESTION box so they can respond)

Interact: Poll - Anyone else LOVE massages??

Capture: This is my favorite relaxing body butter!!! (DM me for the link!) (or audio book, podcast, etc)


If anyone needs me, I’ll be hiding in my happy place with my favorite audiobook today.

I thrive on having a constant goal or project I’m working toward.  I’m a hard worker by nature and have to have vision and a dream to keep me going, but this can turn into days of nonstop business, and neglecting my mind and body’s need for rest.  

When I’m here, for some reason I just slow down, breathe deeper, and take the moment in instead of looking at what’s coming next.

Where’s your happy place??

#selfcare #recoveryday #refuelyourself


