Beachbody Coaches:

Want To Know The Fastest Way To Grow Your Business Without Wasting Precious Time & Money?

Learn The Shortest Path To Success From Someone Who Has Helped Over 8,000 Beachbody Coaches & Grown Their Own 7 Figure Business

It's Hard To Be Successful By Yourself

You wouldn't try to learn an instrument without a teacher...

But you're probably trying to grow your business all alone.

That’s why every successful athlete, performer and business person has a coach to help them get better even faster.

Because an experienced eye can see things that you can't right now.

But Finding A Great Coach Is Tough!

You may have your upline that you can call on…

But let’s face it, they’re just going to keep telling you to do the same old methods like cold messaging 100 people a day.

You need a coach that actually understands social selling…

But more importantly, a mentor who's already grown a successful business and knows what to do from EXPERIENCE.

These People Are Hard To Find For A Reason...

Most successful people are too busy doing what made them successful, so they can’t commit the time to showing you how to do it.

Which leaves you with the self-proclaimed "experts", who've never actually done it themselves.

They want to successfully show you how to mine gold, but they only spend their time selling shovels to gold miners, instead of actually digging.

And figuring this stuff out for yourself is just a slow, painful process until you can find the right coach to fast track your results.

So Here’s A Unique Opportunity For You

We don’t normally sell any personal help, because we’re too busy actually running our businesses.

But because it’s our fifth birthday… we’ve decided to lay down our tools and invest some time helping you to grow your business.

So we can look directly at what you’re doing…

And tell you exactly how to get to the next level.

This Is The Shortcut You’ve Been Waiting For

Imagine getting direct feedback on your marketing, so you know exactly how to make it more effective overnight.

Imagine having a 7 figure business owner tell you exactly how to get to the next level…

And most importantly, what you need to STOP doing that’s holding you back.

Imagine being able to ask everything you’ve ever wanted about growing a Beachbody business, to the people who've helped thousands of other coaches just like you!

So Why Should You Trust Me?

My name is Ashley Shaw and I’m the founder of the Fitness Leader Institute.

Over the past 4 years, I’ve helped over 8,000 Beachbody coaches just like you, to finally get their marketing under control and grow their coaching business.

With over 20 years in the health and fitness industry, I know exactly what to do on social media to get more customers and coaches for your business.

And I’ve proven it by growing my own 7 figure business using social media (and I only had 7,012 followers when I achieved it).

What Will Our Personal Help Give You?

You’ll receive...

  • The exact Strategy to reach your personal goals in record time
  • The Mindset Shift to get better results while wasting less time and effort
  • The Personalized Feedback you desire from someone who's actually been there and done that, so you can join the fast track to success

Remember, every successful athlete, performer or business person on the planet, has a coach to help them reach their goals faster...

And now it’s your turn!

But Don’t Trust Me,

Here’s What Some Of Our Customers Say...

Jo davies

"I can focus my time on what I enjoy the most"

"I used to be really inconsistent in my social media posts and there was never any structure or logic to what I was posting.

But then I heard about Ashley and since then I can honestly say that my posts are completely different. They’re a world apart from what they were.

There’s logic in my posting. There’s a clear structure. I’m actually sharing the business opportunity as well as the fitness side of things.

And most importantly, the support I have from Ashley has meant I can focus my time on what I enjoy the most and that’s supporting my clients."

bria evenson

“I have seen a significant increase in social engagement and direct messages from my IDEAL customers”

"Ashley has helped me find inspiration THROUGH the direction and clarity that her courses and work has provided.

I have seen a deeper connection with the customers I already had.

I would absolutely recommend any chance to work with Ashley."

vickie prior

“A wealth of information!”

“I thank you for always being a wealth of information!

You have no idea how much you have changed the way I look at my business."

Shana Yurko

“My digital course business has helped me to double my income”

“Ashley Shaw is a marketing and digital business genius. She kick-started my digital course business - and she gave me the keys to start attracting the right people to start building my email list, so that I could launch my courses successfully.

After going through her program, I was able to speak the language of my ideal customers - and create products that truly addressed their needs. And I even learned how to run my own Facebook ads. And Ashley made the whole process of starting a business (which can feel huge and daunting!) feel easy.

She has an amazing way of teaching that makes the process so clear - from start to finish. If you are wanting to start an online business - choose Ashley as your coach. You won’t regret it. My digital course business has helped me to double my incomeand I wouldn’t have gotten it started if it weren’t for Ashley’s mastermind.

Thank you Ashley for changing my life!”."

Here’s What You Get

#1  Social Selling Review

This is a 60 minute review that covers your:

  • Branding
  • Social Media Channels
  • Email Marketing
  • Inviting & Sales Scripts

You’ll receive personalized feedback on each of these 4 areas so you can become more effective with your current efforts.

The 1-on-1 session will be with Amber, who’s our lead copywriter at the Fitness Leader Institute. She writes the majority of our content and is the best person to help you supercharge your marketing, because she’s in the trenches doing it every day.

Plus she’s also a coach who achieved financial freedom and quit her job using Beachbody. Because of the way she automates the process, that gives her plenty of time to work with us and help other coaches find the freedom that she already has.

The Social Selling Review is just $297 (not much more than a Deluxe Challenge Pack that Beachbody customers buy every day).

We’ve kept it affordable so everyone can get access to the help they desire, but there will only be 10 sessions available.

#2  6 Figure Strategy Session

This is a 90 minute session with Bill and I (Ashley) that gives you:

  • A fully customized 90-day plan to help you grow your business to 6 figures (or beyond if you’re already at that level)
  • Optimization strategies specific to your marketing and funnels that will take things to the next level
  • Your step-by-step roadmap of how to scale beyond your Beachbody business by leveraging your current marketing assets

Plus you’ll receive a Free Bonus:

  • Social Selling Secrets - a 12 month curriculum to help you build a solid BRAND that inspires trust, love and die-hard loyalty from your followers and fans (sells for $997 alone right now)

By picking our brains, you’ll be able to get the exact 90 day roadmap for taking your business from where you are now, to 6 figures and beyond.

This is high level strategic help, and designed for people who are already making money with their Beachbody business.

So don’t miss out on your chance to work directly with us to take things to the next level.

This package is currently available on our website for $1,497.

But you can get it as part of our 5 year anniversary for just $797 (only 5 available).

#3  Next Level Bundle

If you want both the Social Selling Review and the 6 Figure Strategy Session, then you can get both for just $997 ($100 discount).

But there are only 5 of these packages available.

As you can imagine, all of these sessions are very time consuming for us, so this is a special opportunity to get on a call and pick our brains.

I know the personal help I've received over the years has always catapulted me to the next level, so I want to pass that opportunity on to you as well.

How It Works

This is a personal 1-on-1 call that will be arranged directly with you at a time that suits.

It’ll be held over Zoom, so we can share screens and explain our suggestions as we go. Plus you can ask any questions that you desire as well.

We’ll also provide a recording of the call, so you can go back through it at any time and extract the maximum value from it.

This way you can avoid taking notes, but this recording cannot be shared with anyone outside of your business.

Why Are These Calls Unique

It’s hard enough to find successful Beachbody coaches to talk to…

And if you do, then they all offer the same advice of “putting in the hours” and contacting 100 people per day etc.

This is your opportunity to talk directly to social selling experts who've grown their businesses with less time and effort than you realize.

And the “magic formula” is completely repeatable if you’re willing to follow the instructions and feedback we’ll give you.

Plus it’s backed by our...

“Love It Or Leave It”

100% Money Back Guarantee

That means if at any point during the session, you find that what we’re sharing isn’t amazing, or…

You don’t think our help will grow your business.

Then we’ll give you a complete, 100% refund just for giving it a go.

It’s just a little team rule we live by called “if you can’t make money, then we don’t deserve yours!”

Only Available While Sessions Last

If you’re reading this, then you just got an email along with 46,667 other people on our email list for this very special offer.

That means once the sessions are all gone, they’ll be marked as sold out without warning.

So make sure you take action if you don’t want to miss out.

These sessions are designed for action takers, so if you need to “think about it”, then it’s probably not going to be right for you and you’re likely to miss out.

So Secure Your Spot Right Now

Our 5th birthday only comes around once...

And so does this opportunity to get our personal help to grow your business.

If you click on one of the buttons below and don’t get to the checkout page, then this means it’s already sold out.

So act now if you don’t want to miss out on taking your business (and your income) to the next level.

60 Minutes with Amber



**Only 10 Available

Both Combined



**Only 5 Available

I look forward to helping you get amazing results.

Talk Soon,

P.S. This is your chance to get 1-on-1 personalized help with Amber (our lead copywriter) on your social media and other marketing…

Or with myself and Bill on taking your business to 6 figures and beyond.

We can show you exactly how to reach the next level because we're in the trenches growing Beachbody businesses every day. 

This is a limited time opportunity for our 5th birthday and is backed by our full 100% money back guarantee.

These sessions will go fast, so don’t delay and secure your spot right now.

Then you can reach our customer support on [email protected]

However, we can’t hold any spots or guarantee they’ll still be available by the time we answer your questions.

Like we said above, this is for the action takers who are ready to get to the next level.

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