You Wouldn’t Believe Me If I Told You This Story



If we’ve met before, you know I believe in unicorns.

I’ve talked about them in my coaching sessions, any training call I’ve run and especially in  The 21 Day YOU Challenge, where we dig into your business and find your own “Magical Unicorn”  which is your most magical self and what separates you from everyone else on this planet.

I’ve also discussed ideas around the universe giving you signs ALL THE TIME. When I say “signs” I mean the answers you’re seeking are often right in front of you…if you pay attention.

For example, when you look around your home, the colours typically represent your brand avatar and the colours you should use in your business.

When you look for symbols or animals you’re drawn to, you may notice repetition of something that keeps coming up…an elephant…succulents…magical unicorns… whatever it is, it keeps appearing and drawing you in, telling you that you need to pay attention. As you start to take notice and look into the definition of what you’re seeing, you will find  symbolism that resonances. It’s magical and poetic and it’s been there this whole time.

So I’ve been preaching this and really leaning into this symbolism concept for about 6 months now BUT this was a whole new level of awakening.

Things got weird….hella weird.

I attended a couple of sessions at a yoga conference this past weekend. And I’d decided to attend a session called “Feel Your Muse” which was described as:

A sensual sensory experience of immersion into presence, beauty, freedom & artistry. Observe, relish, witness and FEEL! Maybe you meet your muse, say hello & open enough to make love to her. The invitation is to align with your soul, share truth, play with the provocateur and come into contact once again with the source you understand. Soul rocking guaranteed and tears are likely.

Sounds amazing, right? So I showed up at the session and this is what it looked like:

Find Your Muse



 Not sure what it had to do with yoga but I was open to learning about the muse.

Sherrice, the instructor, was a wild and vivacious woman. She was uninhibited, surrendered and free with her words and wisdom. She was raised by a shaman and left the corporate world 10 years ago to pursuit her coaching and yoga. Every bone in my body felt envious and mesmerized by her willingness to just…let go.

She talked about being connected to her, her muse. When she described her muse, she described it as her source of inspiration that lies within. The muse is is our little, our inner children, our she-woman. We just need to be present to be able to listen to her when she has something to say. There were many lessons from Sherrice but these were the 3 most impactful lessons I took away from her: 

Lesson 1: Stop Trying For It To Be Something. Let It Be.

Sherrice had brought a huge canvas with her and talked about how painting allowed her to channel her. She shared that messages come out in art if we let our guard down and let creatively flow. This is about not being obsessed with the outcome, but allowing ourselves to get caught up in the moment.

This lesson repeated itself throughout many sessions at the conference. When was the last time you went into a yoga class with the intention of trying really hard to get the pose perfect? If you’re like me, it was last time you did a yoga class.

So this lesson was about not trying for something to be exactly the way you planned it and let it be what it is, without judgement. Let her (your muse) do the work for you. Just be present in the moment and listen to what she has to say and what your body has to say that day. Some days, your body will feel different and that’s okay.

Learn to drop the intention and the trying to put “perfect” meaning to something and letting it be what it is because all moments can be beautiful in their own way.

Lesson 2: Find Your Word Of The Year

Sherrice asked us if we knew about “the word of the year” which peaked everyone’s interest. The word of the year was about finding a word that you’d connect to and be present with throughout the year.

This process was about disconnecting from ego (for some of us this can be rigid goals we set) and trusting in the process of what this word can teach us and letting her do the work. Too often we try to be “perfect” and live up to a standard we set for ourselves (this often comes from childhood) vs giving ourselves permission to let things be and letting ourselves be vulnerable.  We give ourselves no room for ups and downs and so much pressure to be perfect in every moment.

Choosing your “word of the year” becomes a word  that you lean into this year. You allow her (the muse) to teach you and guide you how to become connected with that word and the freedom, or vulnerability or emotion it may bring. So I chose my word of the year which is surrender. This year, I want to surrender unhealthy ideals, past thoughts of what is “perfect” and lingering thoughts attached to ego that I haven’t recognized to let go .

Choose a word of the year that you will lean into and be vulnerable around the lessons the universe provides.

Lesson 3: The Signs Are There If You’re Watching 

Sherrice talked about hiking a mountain every morning: rain, haze or shine. And this time had to be alone because talking during these moments, talking and not listening (aka any distractions) didn’t allow her to be present with her (the muse).

Walking amongst nature and free of distraction is where all the signs lie. She talked about hiking everyday as a way to be with her and listenShe told stories of hiking in the rain and fog only to be given this sign of seeing the clouds break and a huge ray of sunshine through the trees which symboled a break in the emotional cycle she had been through in her life those past few weeks. She was showing her that there was light to come.

Nature and being alone with her is where the signs will come if you are present enough to listen.

The conference ended and I had decided to ride my bike to the conference, which I normally wouldn’t have done but all this connecting to the universe talk had me thinking more about being present and in the moment and riding.

So I rolled up my mat, got on my bike and headed across the Uvic campus home. I was biking through the quad where the lamps kept the paths light enough to see and then I spotted it.

A unicorn. 

I kid you not. A real unicorn (obviously someone dressed up with a huge unicorn head) but a legitimate, live unicorn was walking through the quad at the EXACT same time as my session ended and on this random day I had chosen to take that path and ride my bike (which I hadn’t done for the past 3 months).

And the message was so clear. All this talk of being present, taking more time to connect with her and seeing this glorious sign from the universe was just….soul-connecting and made me feel so big and so small all at the same time. I felt my body ease up and lean in to my surrender knowing I’m EXACTLY where I need to be.



About the author 


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