What if YOUR story WAS enough?
Enough to move mountains. Enough to move the people that needed to hear it. Enough to differentiate yourself in a sea of sameness. And enough to give you the confidence you needed to believe that you ARE a magical unicorn?
You mostly likely started out in business without knowing what had led you there. You had a passion for the industry. You were successful in achieving your own personal goals. You wanted to share that FEELING that all of that gave you.
You were fired up! So you jumped in…head first.
You started running your business. You crossed your fingers. You saw some quick wins right away. It was easy to get clients and it didn’t take much effort to connect with people already in your social network.
And then something changed.
You weren’t getting clients as easily. You were scared to scare them off and you stopped trusting your intuition. You lost your sense of self and authenticity. You thought about even copying how other people were operating their coaching business in hopes that perhaps that was the right answer. All of this was happening while your confidence in your SELF and your VALUE dissipated and you started drifting.
So, I’m going to stop you right there because what you’re feeling is 100% normal when you lose your sense of self. You start to flow with the current rather than being the current.
So self-doubt be gone. It can’t’t live here anymore because YOU are enough. And feeling a lost sense of self and what value you provide has nothing to do with what you CAN offer.
I’m here to tell you that YOUR STORY is the answer. When you tell YOUR story, YOUR people will come. YOUR story is enough to change the world. The world of the people that NEED to hear it.
There are no magic recipes, additional certifications or special social media tactics that can mask inauthenticity and fix this. The answer is within.
It’s only when you connect with your authentic self that you can speak whole-heartedly, make intuitive decisions and great a massive ripple effect of success. Because when you’re yourself, you don’t have to try. You just DO.
So before you start to doubt yourself, who you are and what you have to offer, consider how you can tell your story to attract your tribe because they are the ones that will need to hear your story the most.
To learn more about how to tell your story and connect your soul with your business, check out The 21-Day YOU Challenge.