Selling Through Story-Telling With Sarah Archer



Sarah Archer was a senior HR leader by day and a comedian, writer, performer and coach by night. But in 2017 Sarah said goodbye to the corporate world for good and today she specializes in helping heart centered entrepreneurs and business women build their brand and sales by using storytelling and humor in their content onstage, offstage, and online. She helps people power up their stories and deliver them in a way that compels people to take action. Listen here!

The key takeaways from this episode:

  • Everyone has magical stories to share. Reality tv is proof that people are interested in other people’s lives. The everyday story is more impactful than the stores we think we need to share.

  • We're not starting with a blank sheet of paper because we need to relate them back to our customer's problem, their pain, their desires and their objections.

  • The Path Structure: Talk about the problem. Give a little anecdote. Provide a takeaway.

  • You have to lead people to the answer while social selling. The customer needs to have their epiphany moment. The storytelling will help people emotionally buy into the project before logically buying in.

  • Add details to your story, making it specific and use metaphors and imagery. Creating images makes it more concrete for people.

  • Be yourself and leave the critic offstage.

Episode Resources:



Cracking Speech Mate book:

Straight to the Top book:

Instagram: @saraharcher15

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn: Sarah archer

About the author 


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