What Would A Therapist Do? An Honest Chat With Amy Wine



If this pandemic has you feeling uneasy and struggling, you’re not alone! In this episode, Amy Wine and Ashley chat tips to overcome anxiety and how to cope in these trying times, while giving yourself some grace and space. Amy shares 10 tips on how to align your daily routine for happiness and peace. Listen to this episode if you want to ease the anxiety and uncertainty, while feeling empowered to make some small life-changing tweaks.

The key takeaways from this episode:

  • When you decide to work with a counselor, you don’t have to work with the first one you come across. Try out a few and stick with the one you like best.

  • When you start with a counselor, speak up about what you want to get out of it. It's the counselor's job to meet you there.

  • Your body's going to tell you what's wrong before your brain does so you can start to learn your body signs like kids with anger.  Anger is so much in your body and if you can learn to start to recognize the sweaty palms, the heart racing, the tension that all of those things have, you can start to change it.

10 things to manage your emotions:

  • Get into a routine.

  • Learn, read, listen to something intellectual.

  • Do things with your kids.

  • Check-in spiritually every morning, however that would look for you.

  • Check-in with your emotions throughout the day.

  • Force yourself to have one social virtual interaction every week.

  • Sit and create a structure for working from home.

  • Move for 5 minutes every hour.

  • Get a hobby.

  • Handle your finances.

Episode Resources:

Instagram: @theamywine

Facebook: @theamywine

Website: https://amywine.com/

The Full Focus Planner: https://fullfocusplanner.com/

About the author 

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