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Fact: Health & Fitness Companies Are Seeing RECORD-Breaking
Numbers Of Users Right Now.
The opportunity to grow your Health & Fitness business is TREMENDOUS right now while more people than ever are focusing on their health & fitness. So if you’re worried that the time isn’t right, you’ve never been more wrong.
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**Membership Enrolment Is Now Closed**
I know right now that seems hard, because...
Life sure is different these days.
Sipping quarantinis. Kids at home eating all the "good" isolation snacks. Partners on conference calls, working in the next room and all the distractions of a full family life with much less undivided attention to focus on building your coaching business.
But here's the thing.
There are more people on their health journey than EVER before. Records are being crushed. Never have so many people been looking for work from home opportunities. Coaches are needed more than ever.
And 30, 60, 90 days from now? Well, it could be the difference between you needing to find a job or being able to support your family with your "side hustle".
It all comes down to how you choose to show up and invest in your skills.
I'd love you to join me.
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Why trust me to help you build a Done For You Marketing Funnel?
I can focus my time on what I enjoy the most and that’s supporting my clients!
"I used to be really inconsistent in my social media posts and there was never any structure or logic to what I was posting. But then I heard about Ashley and since then I can honestly say that my posts are completely different. They’re a world apart from what they were. There’s logic in my posting. There’s a clear structure. I’m actually sharing the business opportunity as well as the fitness side of things. And most importantly, the support I have from Ashley has meant I can focus my time on what I enjoy the most and that’s supporting my clients." - Jo Davies
I’ve increased my sales, people are telling me the content is so good!
"Ashley, I just want to thank you for what you do. I’ve increased my sales, people are telling me the content is so good and now I’m working on engagement and massive recruitment for coaches. But I wouldn’t be able to do this if I didn’t have the peace of mind of - My content is taken care of and I was being provided the next level of training which is what you’re doing with the monthly training.
I’m looking forward to what month 6 will be like but until then I celebrate you and the success you’ve helped me achieved so far." - Monica Vallejo
I have seen a significant increase in social engagement and direct messages from my IDEAL customers.
"Ashley has helped me find inspiration THROUGH the direction and clarity that her courses and work has provided. I have seen a deeper connection with the customers I already had. I would absolutely recommend any chance to work with Ashley." - Bria Evenson
I got 2 challengers DIRECTLY because of the Done For You Plan by Day 6.
"It must be something about day 3 for me whenever Ashley Shaw is involved. I did her Done For You Plan and got 2 challengers DIRECTLY because of it **(that I for sure know) by day 6 and this morning I work up to ANOTHER person asking to get in on this journey!. Do the work (I mean, ITS GIVEN TO YOU!) and see results. Easy peasie!!" - Susie Marie
You could have results like this too.
Slaying it in your health & fitness biz is simple.
(Not EASY, but SIMPLE.)
You just need a system for success.
Show Up: Post consistent, authentic content that attracts clients on social.
Nurture: Create an online, engaged community where your followers become customers.
Capture: Implement a process to capture emails and build a relationship with future coaches.
Invite: Uncomfortable, I know -- but I will teach you how to do this so it’s effective (and zero percent gross).
Actually, FIVE things -- because it also requires you to COMMIT.
The commitment is actually the hardest part because The DFY Monthly Marketing Funnel makes everything else EASY.
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But before I introduce the Done For You Marketing Funnel that’s gonna change EVERYTHING, there’s one thing we have to get outta the way (‘cuz I know you’re thinking it) 
You don’t have to "hey gurl hustle" your way through this challenging time to make big bucks on the internet
Most health & fitness coaches are gun-shy and clenching their toned butt cheeks thinking about what to say during this challenging time.
So instead, they say nothing.
And that, my friend, is the biggest mistake you could be making in your health & fitness coaching business during a time like this.
But I get it.
It's easy to get surrounded by doom and gloom and swear off any "hey gurl" inviting because you're afraid of what to say, turning people off, people saying "no" and shaming you for asking.
But if that were true, that people didn't need your help and that you shouldn't be inviting, you wouldn't see records being blown out of the water and more people than ever turning to health & fitness solutions.
You wouldn't see more messages popping up on Facebook groups (**more than ever before) about people seeking work-from-home opportunities and looking for guidance on where to start.
And we all know that's actually the case.
And that's why I created the done for you marketing funnel. It takes "hey gurl" inviting off the table while giving you a strategy to help more people than ever before (**without commission breathe).
This done for you funnel will help you authentically attract people that you can start helping without having to think about what to say or how to say it.
You'll get all the tools you need to plug and play and start attracting people organically through a sales funnel. Social media posts, freebies, emails and Facebook groups posts are all DONE FOR YOU and curated for the times we're experiencing.
Do you really want to keep standing by and hoping the world changes before your eyes?
Or do you want to be a part of that change, part of that hope and provide your family with the income they deserve?
Grow your health & fitness biz, the fast and easy way.
What IS the Done-For-You Marketing Funnel?
The Done-For-You Marketing Funnel is the done-in-a-day content system for health & fitness coaches who want to attract new followers, turn ‘em into raving fans, and close sales -- automatically and authentically.
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Never again struggle with what to post daily.
When you join the DFY {Done-For-You} Monthly Marketing Funnel, You'll Get Monthly Deliveries OF...
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Automate your relationship-building. Move your ideal customers to coaches. Stop feeling like a salesperson & attract customer with regular content.
Wondering what it looks like inside?
Press play to check it out!
Your "Done For You Marketing Funnel" Starts Today
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What Others Are Saying
Still Hesitant? Check Out How The Done For You Marketing funnel Is Helping Other Coaches...
Nicole Sherick
BB Coach
Immediate responses are the NORM!
"WOAH! I had 4 immediate responses after posting! That never happens!"
Christine Karr
Christine Karr Fitness
My IG Has Blown Up!!
"I just have to say....I posted this on my fb and my IG....and my IG has blown up!! SOOOO many new followers and comments!"
Vicki Prior
Plus Sized Motivation
You Have No Idea...
I thank you for always being a wealth of information! You have no idea how much you have changed the way I look at my business."
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100% Money-Back Guarantee
If you don’t get at least one new customer in the next 30 days (which covers the price of your membership), I’ll refund everything you’ve paid.
Hear what people are saying about Ashley...
"Ashley Shaw's stuff has been an incredible guideline for me to learn how to use this and supplement what I'm doing." - Bria Evenson
"I am extremely thankful! These posts have taken a lot of pressure and a lot of stress off from me so I that can focus on building my business." - Donna Yoworski
"The support I have from Ashley has meant I can focus my time on what I enjoy and I'm good at the most ." - Jo Davies
Or do you want to start doing something different in your business and learn how to ACTUALLY get people to join your while they're at home and looking for ways to make money?
I'd love to be a part of helping you on your journey but it's up to you to take the next step.
See you there,
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Frequently Asked Questions
How Does The Content Get Sent To Me?
We'll send you an email with further instructions. You'll have access through the website and all of the course material will be available through your online portal.
How Is The Content Personalized?
All of the content provided is a template meaning you can use the content exactly as you receive it or you can put your own spin on it by using the template as inspiration. We provide training on tweaking the content for your ideal customers so it engages and attracts them. However you decide to use the content, the coaches that use the ideal customer workshop see the best results. You'll also be using your own photos so no post is the same.
How Long Do I Have Access To The Content?
Your content is available to you in the course portal as long as you're a member. We hold our coaches accountable so this means we want you to use the content every month. If you do need to cancel or hold your membership, you won't have access to the portal so you'll want to make sure you've implemented what you've purchased.
Will I Have Accountability?
You will get access to our private membership Facebook group, Authentic AF with Ashley Shaw. In this group, you'll have access to live Q&A's, trainings, and have the opportunity to be coached 1-on-1 by Ashley. You will also have access to monthly Social Selling Secrets trainings that break down the 12-module curriculum that you will have access to!
What Is Social Selling Secrets?
Social Selling Secrets is an exclusive 12-module course that is sure to help you build a solid brand that inspires trust, love, and die-hard loyalty from your followers and fans! This course will teach the authentic, simple core principles of social media engagement. You'll get SUPER CLEAR on WHO you are, know WHO you’re talking to, know WHAT you stand for, WHAT your message is, HOW to DRIVE engagement, and how to REACH your ideal customers once and for all! You'll never worry about where the next sale is coming from again.
What's The Cancellation Policy?
You can cancel your account by emailing our support team. Cancellations take up to 3 business days to process once the cancellation form provided by the customer service agent has been received and completed. Refunds are not issued in the event of your billing date landing within those 3 business days.
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