Wanna Know The Fastest Way To Grow Your Business Without Wasting Precious Time & Money?

Learn The Shortest Path To Success From A Team Who Has Helped Over 10,000 Coaches & Reps, Plus Grown A 7- Figure Business

Yes! Let’s Do This!

The “Secret” To Getting Faster Results

What do you think is the fastest way to get results with a personal trainer?

A) Watch their YouTube videos to try and pick up tips here and there, or…

B) Get them to coach you 1-on-1!

It’s pretty obvious that having them coach you 1-on-1 will give you major insights and tweaks that their well-trained eye can see, but you can’t right now.

That’s why every successful athlete, performer and business person has a coach to help them get better faster.

But Finding A Great Coach Is Tough AF!

You have your upline that you can call on…

But let’s be real… they’re just going to keep telling you to do the same old methods that worked 8 years ago (like cold-messaging 100 people a day).

You need a coach that actually understands the CURRENT business and social media climate.

More importantly, a true mentor who has already grown a successful business and knows what to do from EXPERIENCE.

These People Are Hard To Find For A Reason…

Most successful people are too busy doing what made them successful, so they can’t commit the time to show you how to do it.

Which leaves you with “coaches” who are happy to tell you what to do for a fee… but they’ve never actually done it themselves, or their business isn’t similar to yours.

They want to successfully show you how to mine gold… but they’ve spent all their time selling shovels to gold miners instead of actually digging.

And figuring this stuff out for yourself is just a slow, painful process until you can find the right coach to fast track your results.

So Here’s A Unique Opportunity For You

We don’t normally offer any coaching, because we’re too busy actually running our businesses.

But because you’re new to our community, we want to make sure you get the help you need ASAP!

So we can look directly at what you’re doing right now…

And tell you exactly what we’d do to get to the next level.

This Is The Shortcut You’ve Been Waiting For!

Imagine getting direct feedback on your business so you know exactly what to do to make more money overnight..

Imagine having a 7-figure business owner look at your business and tell you what you need to do to get to the next level…

…And more importantly, what you need to STOP doing that’s actually holding you back.

Imagine being able to ask every single question you’ve ever wanted about growing a successful business, to the people who have helped thousands of others just like you!

So Why Should You Trust Me?

My name is Ashley Shaw and I’m the founder of the Authentic Marketing Funnel.

Over the past 5 years, I’ve built an outstanding team that has helped over 9,500 coaches, reps and distributors just like you to finally get their marketing under control so they can grow their coaching business.

With over 20 years of sales and marketing experience, I know exactly what to say and do on social media to get more customers and team members for your business.

And I’ve proven it by growing my own business over 7 figures using social media (and I only had 7,012 followers when I achieved it).

Introducing My Business Breakthrough Session

In this 60-min session, we’ll…

  • Determine what 20% is working in your business that’s bringing you 80% of your results, so you can easily know what you need to do more of… and identify what you need to STOP wasting your precious time on! (This is called “The 80/20 Rule”!)
  • Nail down your niche and your Ideal Customer, to ensure you’re speaking to the right person that wants to give you money.  No more dead-end conversations, ever.
  • Clearly define your content pillars using our proven formula, so you’ll start to see massive growth in your engagement without being salesy or obnoxious.

What Will Our Personal Help Give You?

You’ll receive…

  1. The exact Strategy to follow to get from where you are now to where you want to be in record time
  2. The Mindset Shift required to receive better results while wasting less time and effort
  3. The Personalized Feedback you desire from someone who has actually been there and done that, so you can join the fast track to success

Remember, every successful athlete, performer or business person on the planet has a coach to help them reach their goals faster…

And now it’s your turn!


She helped me with so many areas of my business that I had no idea how to navigate

Ashley (and her team) are incredibly knowledgeable, patient & kind. She’s very easy to talk to & helped me with so many areas of my business that I had no idea how to navigate.

I feel confident now that I have a roadmap and the right resources to grow and scale my online business. Super grateful for the opportunity to work with her!

I can focus my time on what I enjoy the most

I used to be really inconsistent in my social media posts and there was never any structure or logic to what I was posting.

But then I heard about Ashley and since then I can honestly say that my posts are completely different. They’re a world apart from what they were.

There’s logic in my posting. There’s a clear structure. I’m actually sharing the business opportunity as well as the fitness side of things.

And most importantly, the support I have from Ashley has meant I can focus my time on what I enjoy the most and that’s supporting my clients.

I have seen a significant increase in social engagement and direct messages from my IDEAL customers

Ashley has helped me find inspiration THROUGH the direction and clarity that her courses and work has provided.

I have seen a deeper connection with the customers I already had.

I would absolutely recommend any chance to work with Ashley.

Here’s What You Get

During your Business Breakthrough Session, you can ask any questions you like for a full 60 minutes.

Plus we’ll give you personal feedback on…

  • Branding
  • Social Media Channels
  • Email Marketing
  • How To Sell Without Feeling Sleazy

And you’ll walk away with an Action Plan to hit your revenue goals.

How It Works

This is a personal 1-on-1 call that will be arranged directly with you at a time that suits you.

It’ll be held over Zoom so we can share screens, and explain our suggestions as we go. Plus, you can ask any questions that you want to!

We’ll also provide a recording of the call so you can go back through it at any time and extract the maximum value from it.

This way you can avoid taking notes, but this recording cannot be shared with anyone outside of your business.

Why Are These Calls Unique

It’s hard enough to find successful coaches to talk to…

And if you do, then they all offer the same advice of “putting in the hours” and contacting 100 people per day, etc.

This is your opportunity to talk directly to a social selling expert who has grown their businesses with less time and effort than you realize.

And the “magic formula” is completely repeatable if you’re willing to follow the instructions and feedback we’ll give you.

How Much Do You Invest?

Normally, to get personal help like this you’d need to already have a successful business and qualify to join our Mastermind which costs $5,000 per year.

But because you’ve just bought my book, I’m offering you the Business Breakthrough Session for just $197 (it’s normally $297 or more when offered to the public).

This gives you a unique opportunity to learn directly from someone who is already successful and apply those insights to grow your business.

PLUS, it’s backed by our…

“Love It Or Leave It” Guarantee

That means if at any point during the session, you find that what we’re sharing isn’t amazing, or…

You don’t think our help will grow your business…

Then we’ll give you a complete, 100% refund just for giving it a go.

It’s just a little team rule we live by called “if you can’t make money, then we don’t deserve yours!”

Only Available For A Limited Time

This offer is only for fast action takers

So if you email our support team and ask for this next week then they’ll be turning you down.

That way we know we’re only investing our time with committed people who will actually use what we teach them.

If that’s you, then don’t miss out and we look forward to talking soon.

So Secure Your Spot Right Now

If you click on one of the buttons below and don’t get to the checkout page, this means the offer is already unavailable.

So take action now if you don’t want to miss out on bringing your business (and your income) to the next level.

Yes! Let’s Do This!

I look forward to helping you get amazing results.

In Sweat & Rapid Growth Faith,

P.S. This is your chance to get 1-on-1 personalized help to grow your business faster than you’ve ever thought possible.

We all spend our days in the trenches growing businesses just like yours, and can show you exactly how to reach the next level.

This is a limited time opportunity and is backed by our full 100% money back guarantee.

These sessions will go fast, so don’t delay and secure your spot right now.

Got Questions?

You can reach our customer support at [email protected]

However, we can’t hold any spots or guarantee they’ll still be available by the time we answer your questions.

This is for the fast action takers who are ready to get to the next level!

Yes! Let’s Do This!