How To Increase Your Income Within The Next Year Without Wasting Tons Of Time & Money

Let My Team & I Personally Fast Track Your Journey To $10,000 Per Month


First Things First: An Apology…

Your upline broke their promise.

They said if you joined your network marketing company and worked hard, you’d make money.

But it’s been months (or years), and you’re still not making a consistent income.

And that’s the unfortunate reality for 99% of network marketers, so first…

I Have To Tell You The Truth

If it’s not working, you can’t “try harder” and suddenly start making money.

If you’re DMing 10 strangers a day and not getting results, you can’t DM 100 people and expect things to turn around.

So, if your upline doesn’t know how to grow your business quickly…

You obviously need to find someone who does.

So How Do You REALLY Increase Your Income?

Everything you know has gotten you to the point you are now.

So in order to progress, you need to learn a new way of thinking to unlock the next level of success.

However, “you don’t know what you don’t know”… so you don’t know what it is right now that will actually make a difference to your individual situation.

And it’s not your fault, that’s just the way life is!

Why You Need An Outsider’s Perspective

Every person is surrounded by mentors they learn from.

Here’s an example: picture people who grow up in a family that’s very overweight. They’ve learned bad eating and/or exercise habits, and don’t see that there’s another way. Everyone is bound to be overweight to them and they follow these same habits.

As a business owner, you obviously want to model and be surrounded by other successful 6-7 figure business owners.

People who understand what you’re going through and can offer you valuable advice based on their experience overcoming the same issues you’re facing right now.

How To Fast Track Your Success

If someone really wants to be a top level athlete, actor or musician…

Do you think they learn to do it browsing social media, blogs, videos or courses?

NO! They get themselves a coach who has a proven track record of helping others get to the top levels.

And that direct feedback from people who have already made all the mistakes for you, is the guaranteed way to get the best results in the fastest time possible.

Success Is As Simple As 1-2-3…

  1. Find out exactly what to do from your coach
  2. Do what they say
  3. Get feedback so you can improve as you go

All you need is to listen to people who have already built the business you desire…

Which is usually not your upline, because they’re just as lost as you…

Or they built their business in the “olden days” before the real competition started online.

What Could Your Life Look Like 1 Year From Now?

Imagine you had access to a group of seasoned people, who…

  1. Could answer any question you had based on years of experience
  2. Knew how to remove every roadblock standing in your way right now (and in the future)
  3. Held you accountable for your goals so you always followed through without procrastinating

Think your life would look completely different 1 year from now?

Think you could be making more money in less time… and with less stress or overwhelm?

When you learn from the best, you become the best!  It’s just the way it is!

So Who Is This “Amazing” Group Of People?

Well first you have me –

of course – and as you probably know…

I’ve grown my business from 0 to 7 figures.

But like I explained earlier, no one succeeds without help, so you’re also tapping into the amazing mentors I have to guide me! Like…

  1. The branding coach who I hired when I was struggling to get by and showed me exactly how to build the very successful brand you see now
  2. The paid advertising expert who trains and runs ads for many of the top gurus out there today (the same people turning around and teaching others how to do this stuff)
  3. The operations expert who has personally grown 2 businesses from start up to $30M+ and $50M+ in revenue

Plus I Have A Team Of 13 People That Run My Business Including…

  • The bad-ass content team that stays on top of social media trends and makes sure our messaging is always on point (you didn’t think I come up with every single word, did you?!)
  • Writers and course creators that turn our knowledge into products (while also running their own successful network marketing businesses as well)
  • The operations superstar who keeps the business on track (you can also ask her how she got 390K followers on TikTok)
  • A digital marketer and copywriter who has grown several multimillion dollar businesses
  • The tech team who builds our amazingly sophisticated sales funnels (the big secret about how we make our ads profitable)

…See what I’m sayin’ now?

Want Exclusive Access To This Experience (And More?)

When you surround yourself with the best people, 3 things change…

  1. Your mindset – it becomes natural to think bigger and become more successful
  2. Your knowledge – it’s like drinking from a firehose or getting decades of wisdom downloaded into your brain like in The Matrix
  3. Your connections – knowing successful people means meeting more successful people and as Jim Rohn said, “you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”

These all come together to completely change YOUR RESULTS!

Here’s What Some Of My High Achievers Have To Say

“Ashley has helped me find inspiration THROUGH the direction and clarity that her courses and work has provided.”

“Each activity and opportunity to work together has clarified and strengthened my understanding of my own mission, skills and opportunities. Often I find that courses provide inspiration but not enough direction…and Ashley has helped me find inspiration THROUGH the direction and clarity that her courses and work has provided.

I have seen a significant increase in social engagement, direct messages from my IDEAL customers and a deeper connection with the customers I already had. I would absolutely recommend any chance to work with Ashley.”

“I have a roadmap and the right resources”

“Ashley is incredibly knowledgeable, patient & kind. She’s very easy to talk to & helped me with so many areas of my business that I had no idea how to navigate.

I feel confident now that I have a roadmap and the right resources to grow and scale my online business. Super grateful for the opportunity to work with her!”

“I can’t wait for your call”

I really feel so clear in my avenue now. You helped me put it into words and I can’t wait to start testing ‘ads’ on IG and Facebook and get this going.

I’ve always had a feeling this business can work for me just because I love it so much but not until today have I been able to see how, so thank you very much. I can’t wait for your call Sunday night!”

Are You Ready To Uplevel Your Life & Business?

Despite all this wisdom I’ve listed above, there’s one thing missing…


As you know, you’ve gone through a special application process to make sure you were a fit for our group.

And that’s why I’m giving you a special invitation to join my…

5 Figure Mastermind

A Step-By-Step Program To Help You Reach $10,000 Per Month

Here’s How It Works…


One 60-Minute Strategy Session (Value $998)

You’ll never make real progress until you know what you want to achieve and have a strategy to get there.

That’s why we start with a Personal Super Strategy Session, so we can build a plan that will take you to the next level.

In the past, people have paid a minimum of $998 for a single Strategy Session and I’ve never had anyone say it wasn’t worth every penny.

Our cycle is to do these sessions every 12 months so it keeps you pointing in the right direction, making adjustments when necessary, and then adding the next steps to your plan when you’re close to ticking off your initial goal.


Monthly Group Accountability Calls (Value $5,200)

Ever been super jazzed about your business and then hit a depressing roadblock, or life just got in the way?

These calls will eliminate obstacles so you can remain hyper-focused on achieving results and accountable to your goals.

You’ll learn to…

  • Run your business based on a simple scorecard
  • Focus on your most important projects each quarter
  • Raise and solve issues with the help of the group
  • Be held accountable for what you said you’d do in the previous meeting

Plus, I’m militant about keeping these meetings on track to make sure no one’s wasting time or getting lost on rabbit trails, which is SUPER common in other mastermind groups!

With your Super Strategy Session, we set your vision, and then we actually make sure you implement it with the Group Accountability Calls.


This program is based on what I learned from my first branding and marketing mentor that I paid a lot more than $1200 to learn.

She took me from barely making anything, to building my million dollar brand and pretty much turned my business around.  (You’ve probably heard me gush about how much this changed my business in my podcast! I talk about it a lot!)

I want to make sure you have access to the same powerful information, so every month I’ll send you a new module containing a subject that will help you uplevel your marketing game.

There are 12 modules in total, and I send them to you slowly so you DON’T give in to the temptation to pull a Netflix-style binge and burn through them all at once… instead, we’ll make sure you’re able to implement what you learn!


Authentic Marketing Funnel Membership (Value $1,764)

This is our premium membership that includes all the Done-For-You content we create.

Every month you’ll get social posts, reels, insta stories, Facebook group posts, emails and a lead magnet.

This means you’ll never be struggling to get content again (and if you’re already a member, then we’ll give you free access when you join the mastermind).

I really can’t make your social media and marketing easier than this.


Ongoing Education (Value $482)

Need to learn something else?

Because you’re a VIP, I’m going to give you access to all our other courses including everything we create while you’re in the group.

Most of these training courses and workshops are sold for $47 to $297.

This means you pay once and get all my best stuff without paying another dime.

So What Do You Invest?

This program is especially designed to grow your business to reach 7 figures and you already know I have the skills, team and ability to do that for you because I’ve done it myself.

To recap, the 5 Figure Mastermind includes…

  1. One 60 Min Strategy Session (Value: $998)
  2. Monthly Group Accountability Calls (Value: $5,200)
  3. Social Selling Secrets (Value $1,200)
  4. Authentic Marketing Funnel Membership (Value $1,764)
  5. Ongoing Education (Value $482)

Total Value: $9,644

Don’t worry, I’m not asking you to pay anything near that.

You can join the full 1-year program for just $2,499, or select from one of the other options below…

Get On The Path To 5 Figure Growth

It’s just $6.84 per day to go from stuck, to crushing it!

1 Year

Pay In Full Option

$ 2499

($208 per month)


Or 3 Payments Of $999


6 Months

Pay In Full Option

$ 1497

($250 per month)


Or 3 Payments Of $597



No Commitment

$ 397 /mo

(Try it out and upgrade later)


Still Have Questions?

Book A Call To Get All Of Your Questions Answered

What Option Should You Choose?

Like I said in the beginning, I’m not going to promise you that money will rain from the ceiling as soon as you purchase.

Growing a business takes time and work.

That’s why I designed an annual program, because people tend to overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a year.

However, I realize that everyone’s financial situation is different right now, so please choose the financial commitment you can make right now and plan to renew the program until you reach your goals.

100% Risk Free Guarantee

Obviously this program is very labor intensive for me, but I want to make sure that you can join with confidence!

That’s why I’ll let you put it to the test for a full month…

Which means completing your Strategy Session, attending your first Group Accountability Call, plus so much more…

And if you’re not completely LOVING it, then I’ll refund everything you’ve paid.

Fast Action Bonus (The Clock Is Tickin’!)

Because I love working with fast action-takers, I’m going to throw in a special bonus for people who join the annual program and pay in full within 24 hours of seeing this:

  • Extra Super Strategy Session to use as you desire (value: $997)

But your personal countdown timer has already started ticking, so don’t put this off.

[hurrytimer id=”6235″]

Don’t Miss Out, Act Now…

In order to reach the next level of success for your business (and the one after that), you need to have the right strategy and then implement it.

By joining the 5 Figure Mastermind, you’re going to get the help you need, so you can simply follow the plan to success.

But fair warning, I can obviously only work with a certain number of people each year and so at some stage I’ll need to close the mastermind to new members.

Since you’re seeing this page, there is at least one space available, but it could be gone tomorrow so act now to avoid missing out.

So Decide Now If You’re Serious About Growth

We’re all busy people with a lot on our plates…

But following the right strategy and having an amazing team around you means you’ll achieve more in less time than you ever thought possible.

How would it feel if you looked back 12 months from now to see you’d doubled, tripled, or even 10X’d your income?

Well, if you’re truly serious about getting to the next level, then click the button below, choose the option that’s right for you, and let’s grow your business together.


I Look Forward To Hearing Your Success Story!

P.S. Remember, you’re going to get the personal help from my team and I to grow your business to the 6 figure level in less time than you ever thought possible.

You’ll expand your mindset, your knowledge and your connections all in one wise decision!

Plus, it’s backed by a full 30-Day Money Back Guarantee so you can experience the program for yourself, and if it’s not for you for any reason, I’ll refund everything you’ve paid.

You seriously have nothing to lose and everything to gain!


“Thank you for always being a wealth of information!”

“Thank you for always being a wealth of information! You have no idea how much you have changed the way I look at my business….

If you ever come to Calgary please look me up!”
